Factors affecting soil erosion by water pdf

Water erosion water erosion results from the removal of soil material by flowing water. The infiltration rate is a measure of how fast water. Soil physical properties affecting soil erosion 235 potential, one of the forces drawing water into the soil, which occurs as the infiltration process proceeds. Assessing the influence of physical factors on spatial soil erosion. Factors affecting soil formation soils form from the interplay of five main factors namely parent material, time, climate, relief and organisms. There are many factors which influence the process of soil erosion. Soil porosity and permeability porosity is the total amount of pore space in the soil 30 to 60% affects the storage of air and water affects the rate of movement of air and water permeability is the ease in which water, air, and plant roots move through the soil ease of air, water and root movement affects rate of water intake and drainage. Water erosion is due to dispersive and transporting power of water. Soil c sink capacity depends on depth, clay content and mineralogy, plant available water holding capacity, nutrient reserves, landscape position, and the antecedent soc stock. The rate and magnitude of soil erosion by water is controlled by the following factors. Factors affecting adoption of soil and water conservation. The soil material is suspended in runoff water and carried away.

The factors having a direct effect on soil erosion are atmospheric prec i p it at i o n water erosion and w i n d wind erosion. Thus, soil conservation has been carried out with limited success. Estimates of the historic depletion of soc in world soils, 115154 average of 5 pg c and equivalent to the technical potential or the maximum soil c sink capacity. Climatic and site conditions, such as rainfall and temperature, and moisture and soil aeration oxygen levels, and salinity salt. The runoff is clearly a function of precipitation, its intensity, its duration and its coverage. Jan 17, 2018 soil c sink capacity depends on depth, clay content and mineralogy, plant available water holding capacity, nutrient reserves, landscape position, and the antecedent soc stock. A part of the process is the detachment of soil material by the impact of raindrops. Five 5 factors that influence formation of the soil. Soil erosion is a naturally occurring process that affects all landforms. Soil erosion by water 9sheet erosion soil is eroded uniformly across a slope 9rill erosion numerous tiny gullies rills randomly occur 9gully erosion with increased rainfall duration and intensity, runoff volumes increase and concentrate in small ravines.

The gradient of the channel determines a rivers ability to erode, transport and deposit its load. A part of rainfall always snips into the soil on the covered rocks and looses the rock particle by dissolving it. In addition, saturated soils can no longer absorb rainfall which leads to increased runoff. Inherent factors affecting soil respiration inherent factors such as climate and soil texture impact soil respiration. Although several soil and water conservation technologies have been developed and promoted, the adoption of many recommended measures is minimal and soil erosion continues to be a problem. Laminaris a horizontal movement of water in a river with minimal vertical mixing the water is in layer, such a form of flow would result in minimal erosion and more deposition. Snow and melting ice also remove the top soil to considerable extents.

Soil erosion is a major environmental and agricultural problem facing human beings blanco and lal, 2008, hurni, 1988, world economic forum, 2010. Susceptibility to wind erosion is related rather definitely to the moisture content of soils. Frost action also takes place in the forspaces of rocks and causes disintegration and splitting of rocks into fragments. Sheet erosion soil erosion is characterised by the downslope removal of. Soil erosion by wind occurs under dry conditions and high wind velocity. However, the spatial and temporal variations in soil erodibility k and the distribution of soil erosion across land use types and slopes remain unclear. This process begins when the raindrops break down the soil making it vulnerable to movement. Environment agency thinksoils factors that influence erosion and runoff generic soil groups chalk and limestone soils factors that influence erosion and runoff 18 generic soils groups chalk and limestone soils 3 shallow chalk and limestone soils these thin soils are less than 30cm deep. Soil infiltration refers to the ability of the soil to allow water to move into and through the soil profile. Factors that affect water erosion from construction areas william g.

However, when earthquakes occur, massive amounts of soil, including crops and forests are a. This case study explores factors involved with the adoption of swc technologies within. The identification of the mechanisms of soil erosion and factors affecting soil erosion is an. Factors that affect water erosion from construction areas. Weathering takes place at or near the earths surface.

The results may provide evidence for soil erosion degree assessment, erosion model construction in drastically disturbed areas, as well as the prevention of newly arising water and soil loss from. Factors affecting crop production climatic edaphic. Productivityenhancing crop and soil and water conservation management approaches biological measures may be more important than structural measures in. Factors influencing the adoption of soil and water. There is lesswillingness of farmers to adopt and maintain the extensively introduced practices of soil conservation. Weathering types of weathering, factors affecting weathering. Physical factors, rusle, terrain units, soil erosion risk,wadi kufranja.

We synthesized the results from 325 sites published in 152 literatures to analyze the factors affecting the k, such as land use type, climate, topography, soil, and vegetation restoration age. Soils that have lower porosity also have a lower respiration rate. The amount of water in a soil must be considered when establishing and maintaining vegetation. Inherent factors affecting soil infiltration soil texture, or the percentage of sand, silt, and clay in a soil, is the major inherent factor affecting infiltration. The lighter soil aggregates like silt, fine sand, clay, and organic matter are then easily carried away by the moving water. Climatic and site conditions, such as rainfall and temperature, and moisture. This natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of erosive agents, that is, water, ice glaciers, snow. The amount and intensity of precipitation is the main climatic factor governing soil erosion by water. Soils, soil characteristics and factors affecting management. Since then a huge amount of money has been invested in an attempt to introduce soil and water conservation measures particularly in the areas where the problem of soil erosion is threatening and food deficit is widespread.

Runoff washes away the soil particles from sloping. In the country, efforts towards soil conservation were started since the 1970s and 1980s. Inherent factors affecting soil ph inherent factors that affect soil ph include climate, mineral content, and soil texture. This research was conducted in order to determine the social and economic factors that influence adoption of soil and water conservation swc measures in. Weathering also contributes to a major source of sediments for erosion and deposition. Assessing soil erosion although soil erosion has been taking place very slowly in natural. When water flows downhill under gravity it follows the path of least resistance. Slide 25 factors affecting erosion soil moisture and temperature slide notes. Social and economic factors affecting the adoption of soil. Factors affecting one factor that affects weathering is the total surface area of mineral or rock. The relationship is particularly strong if heavy rainfall occurs at times when, or in locations where, the soil. Factors affecting the spatial and temporal variations in soil. Soil fertility is defined as the condition of a soil that enables it to provide nutrients in adequate amounts and in proper balance for the growth of specified plants when other growth factors, such as light, water, temperature, and physical condition of soil, are.

Investigation of factors affecting soil erosion on skid trails. In the last 40 years, nearly one third of the world arable land was lost by soil erosion and continues to be lost at the rate of more than 10 million hectares per year assefa, 2007, molden et al. Natural soil ph reflects the combined effects of the soil forming factors parent material, time, relief or topography, climate, and organisms. Causes of soil erosion water and wind erosion causes. Effect of topography on depth to shallow ground water table and soil drainage. This factsheet looks at the causes and effects of water, wind and tillage erosion on agricultural land. Ploughing leaves a much rougher surface than when soil is cultivated by. Soil respiration rates are also dependent on dynamic soil factors, including som. Although soil erosion is a natural occurrence on all land, there are certain factors that call accelerate erosion making it more noticeable and problematic. Soil physical properties affecting soil erosion in. This natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of.

Pdf evaluation of factors influencing water erosion in west africa. Rainfall characteristics, soil factors, topography, climate, and land use are important elements affecting soil erosion. The widespread occurrence of water erosion combined with the severity of onsite and offsite impacts have made water erosion the focus of soil conservation efforts in ontario. Soil is directly affected by heavy rainfall, rapidly running water and by wave action. Soil is the most fundamental and basic natural resource for all life to survive. However, the term can also describe the rolling of dislodged soil particles 0. This includes rainfall characteristics, atmospheric temperature and wind velocity 2. Some soil factors influencing accelerated water erosion of arable land. Hydrology is the science concerned with the origin. It is important to understand something about how soils are formed to determine the best use of available soils and how to manage their fertility. Pdf investigation of factors affecting soil erosion on skid trails. In southern africa the most limiting factor to agricultural productivity is soil fertility ramaru et al.

Sheet erosion soil erosion is characterised by the downslope removal of soil particles within a thin sheet of water. Water moves more quickly through the large pores in sandy soil than it. An onsite loss of agricultural potential an offsite effect of downstream movement of sediment, causing flooding and the silting up of reservoirs. Water erosion may occur within rills, interrill areas the regions between rills, gullies, ephemeral gullies, stream channels, forest areas, and construction sites. A higher magnitude runoff could lead to erosion of the gravel particles and the other. Evaluation of factors influencing water erosion in west africa using rainfall simulation. Mar 19, 2004 although several soil and water conservation technologies have been developed and promoted, the adoption of many recommended measures is minimal and soil erosion continues to be a problem. The breakdown and alteration of rocks and minerals is known as weathering. Inherent soil and properties climate affect crop growth and how respond to applied p crops fertilizer, and regulate processes that limit p availability. Natural soil ph reflects the combined effects of the soilforming factors parent material, time, relief or topography, climate, and organisms. Water erosion the widespread occurrence of water erosion combined with the severity of onsite and offsite. Optimum moisture content promotes the establishment and health of vegetation. Fertile soil contains approximately 25% of both air and water, about 5% organic matter and about 45% mineral matter. Factors affecting adoption of soil and water conservation practices.

It is an effective technique for cutting down erosion. Soil erosion is a process of detachment and transportation of soil by natural agencies of water and wind. Water and wind erosion are two main agents that degrade soils. While there are many different factors that can cause soil erosion, most can be broken down into two main categories. The amount of water in the air and the temperature of an area are both part of an areas climate. When dry soil is crushed in the hand, it can be seen that it is composed of all kinds of. The upper course of a river is associated with steep gradients therefore a lot of velocity. Infiltration allows the soil to temporarily store water, making it available for use by plants and soil organisms. Four kinds of accelerated water erosion are commonly recognized. However, despite the prospect of land degradation, not every farmer cultivating on unleveled ground will practice soil and water conservation swc technologies. The case of wereillu woreda district, south wollo zone, amhara region, ethiopia article pdf available october 2017 with. In earth science, erosion is the action of surface processes such as water flow or wind that removes soil, rock, or dissolved material from one location on the earths crust, and then transports it to another location not to be confused with weathering which involves no movement. Influencing factors and their interactions of water erosion based on.

Factors affecting erosion, transportation and deposition. Water erosion water erosion causes two sets of problems. Edaphic factors soil plants grown in land completely depend on soil on which they grow. Erosion the incorporation and transportation of weathering products by a mobile agent such as wind, water, ice. Other factors affecting soil quality are monocropping growing only one crop year after year on the same land, usage of pesticides and fertilizers that kill beneficial microbes which bind the soil particles, and surface irrigation the irrigation practice in which water is applied on the soil surface by gravity. Weathering is the first step in other geomorphic and biogeochemical processes.

Methods for predicting soil loss from agricultural lends appear to be well esteblished and can be generally applied to farmlands. Turbulent flow results in more erosion and transportation and this form of flow increases with an increase in a rivers energy. Soil physical properties affecting soil erosion in tropical soils. Factors affecting soil fertility environmental sciences essay. Effect of shallow water table approximately parallel to the soil surface on restricting drainage and, therefore, soil development. In unstable soils, a second cause for the decrease in the infiltration rate with time is the deterioration of soil structure on the surface occurring during the infiltration process. Influence of soil erosion on potential productivity. Precipitation is the most forceful factor causing erosion. Soil is a relatively thin layer of unconsolidated mineral and organic material on the immediate surface of the earth. Soil formation five factors of soil formation rocks parent. Moreover, according to woldeamlak 2007, many soil and water conservation.

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